李明久生于1939年,号长白人,别署卧山堂主,为吉林榆树人。擅长中国画。曾在《黑龙江日报》任美术编辑。河北师范大学美术系主任、副教授,河北美术家协会副主席。中国美术家协会会员。他专攻中国画,1964于哈尔滨艺术学院美术系毕业。师承关松房、尹瘦石,擅画山水,所作清润旷远,风神朗发。李氏亦长书法,喜欢收藏。毕业后先后在杂志社、报社,从事美术编辑工作。1978年投身艺术教育,入河北师范大学美术系执教至今。作品《瑞雪》获第六届全国美展铜牌奖,而《太行魂》获1986年日本东京国际美术展优秀奖。作品被中国美术馆、澳洲新南威尔士艺术馆、俄罗斯国家美术馆等收藏。先后在福州、香港、新加坡、台湾、马来西亚等国家和地区举办个人画展 。曾应邀访问香港、菲律宾、新加坡、马来西亚等国家地区 。现为中国美术家协会会员及河北分会副主席、河北省山水画研究会副会长、河北省政协委员和河北师范大学美术系教授。作品曾入选《百年中国画大展》和《中国美术全集》, 此外还出版《李明久画集》、《李明久山水画集》和《当代中国画名家——李明久》等个人画集多部。^_^Li Mingjiu (Born 1939)Born in 1939, Li Mingjiu is a native in Jilin. He graduated in Fine Arts Department of Harbin Academy of Arts in 1964 specialized in Chinese Paintings. He learned painting from Guan Songfang(1901-1982) , Yin Shoushi (1919-1998) and talented in landscape painting while he is fond of calligraphy and art collecting as well. He received 'Bronze Prize' from the 6th National Fine Arts Exhibition and 'Merit Prize' in Tokyo International Fine Arts Exhibition. Many art organizations like National Arts Museum, Art Gallery of New South Wales and National Museum in Russia collected his works. His works were selected in various painting albums and he has many solo painting album published as well. He is currently member of Chinese Artists' Association and Deputy Chair of its Hebei division,Deputy Chair of Hebei Landscape Painting Research Society,Professor at Hebei Normal University of Fine Arts Department and National Commissar of Hebei province.